The Questioning Everything Podcast
The Questioning Everything Podcast
Part One: Is there such a thing as 'Black Privilege' and if so, what does it look like?
During this episode, hosts Go Zee and Robin Thick discuss the topic of Black privilege with friends of theirs in a Facebook group called The Dinner Table. This private group focuses on a wide range of topics, particularly those relevant to Black folks and in particular, those located in the DC, MD, VA region. Listen on and share your feedback by sending us an email at q.e.podcast2020@gmail.com.
- Myth about the Black family: https://www.city-journal.org/html/black-family-40-years-lies-12872.html
- The Power of the two-parent household: https://fordhaminstitute.org/national/commentary/power-two-parent-home-not-myth
- The Power of the two-parent household cont’d: https://healthyplacesindex.org/policy-actions/two-parent-households/#:~:text=Research%20has%20shown%20there%20are,adults%20that%20can%20generate%20income.
- The Power of the two-parent household cont’d: https://www.bbc.com/news/education-47057787
Thanks for tuning into Questioning Everything. Check back for new episodes. You can find QE’s host, Go Zee, on Instagram - @GototheZee and Twitter - @GototheZee. Co-host, Robin Thick can be found on Instagram - @QueenoftheWildThings. Follow Questioning Everything on Instagram and Twitter (@q_e_podcast) and Facebook (/QuestioningEverythingPodcast).