The Questioning Everything Podcast
The Questioning Everything Podcast
Can Washington and Lee University Move on from Its Controversial Name?
In this episode of the Questioning Everything podcast, we explore the movement to remove Robert E. Lee’s name from Washington and Lee University. This contentious issue has long been discussed by students, faculty, and alumni alike. With the growing discord between political parties and the continued rise of domestic terrorism with members who are far too often draping themselves in the flag of the Confederacy, this issue of the school’s name has become too difficult to ignore. Will a name change help transform the culture of the institution to one that is more welcoming and inclusive or will it be a bandaid fix for issues that go deeper than Lee’s influence?
For more information on this topic, check out some of the links below:
- Washington and Lee University History: https://www.wlu.edu/the-w-l-story/university-history/
- Letting Go of Robert E. Lee at Washington and Lee University, by Toni Locy: https://www.thenation.com/article/society/robert-lee-washington-statue/
- Former W&L Trustees Argue for Keeping Lee’s Name: https://www.thenews-gazette.com/content/former-wl-trustees-argue-keeping-robert-e-lee%E2%80%99s-name-0
- Professor Brandon Hasbrouck’s Article - White Saviors: https://scholarlycommons.law.wlu.edu/wlulr-online/vol77/iss1/4/
- Posse Foundation: https://www.possefoundation.org/
- Slavery at Arlington House: https://www.nps.gov/arho/learn/historyculture/slavery.htm
- Students and Faculty ask Washington and Lee to change its name: https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2020/07/02/students-faculty-ask-washington-lee-change-its-name/
- Civil War History: https://www.history.com/topics/american-civil-war/american-civil-war-history
- Kappa Alpha Order: https://www.kappaalphaorder.org/ka/history/
- Wikipedia Article on Kappa Alpha Order: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kappa_Alpha_Order
- Celebrating the life of Ted Delaney: https://columns.wlu.edu/in-memoriam-theodore-carter-delaney-jr-85-professor-of-history-emeritus/
Full conversations with the individuals in this episode, as well as a bonus conversation with a current W&L student named Tanajia Moye-Green will be made available with video on our forthcoming Youtube Channel. Subscribe today so you can be the first to see all our great videos and upcoming content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQL2kQf6yjjyaFOckKi_STA
Got any episode ideas you’d like to share? Send us an email at q.e.podcast2020@gmail.com.